NTUC is a network of around 27 trade unions, engaging both formal and informal employment sectors, in both the private and public spheres - from education, construction, textiles and catering, to transportation, informal crafts and artisanal trades. NTUC focuses on child labour, promotion of health and well-being at work, training workers about their rights, promoting gender equality and a universal social security system.
GEFONT was founded in 1989 and officially registered as trade union organization in 1995. It includes thirty unions from various sectors: agriculture, textiles, transport, tourism, health, banking, and the informal economy. We particularly support GEFONT’s work to empower young trade union leaders, workers from the informal economy, and migrant workers.
As an umbrella organisation made up of the three largest unions in Nepal (GEFONT, NTUC and ANTUF) - the ITUC-NAC is the driving force behind effective cooperation of most Nepali trade unions in the Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre (JTUCC). Here they agree on common positions and advocacy strategies, covering various issues, including social protection, occupational health and safety, and labour standards.
SPCSN is a platform of 16 local civil society organisations representing, among others, the elderly, people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, child rights movements. SPCSN focuses mostly on non-contributory social security schemes, such as child allowances, pensions, disability allowances, access to health, as well as adaptative social protection in case of shocks.