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CNTG - Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs de Guinée

The Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs de Guinée (C.N.T.G.) is a national trade union confederation in the Republic of Guinea. It was founded in 1960. It brings together workers from all sectors of activity: public, mixed, private, informal and retired, without distinction as to nationality, sex, religion or political opinion. It has 18 trade union federations covering all the country's professional sectors. The CNTB has 1 national union (domestic workers), 8 regional unions, 33 prefectoral unions and 5 communal unions (Conakry). The CNTG represents 71% of workers in Guinea, according to a 2014 assessment of trade union organisations.

DynaM - Dynamic Mutualiste

The organisation DynaM, an abbreviation for 'dynamique mutualiste', is an NGO founded in 2000 that aims to support health insurance systems. The mutualities supported by DynaM cover both primary care and specialised medical care. One of DynaM's main strategies is to involve all healthcare providers early on in the start-up of a mutualist system, so that everyone is involved with the same knowledge. Their priority focus is on social protection for the disadvantaged rural population.
DynaM belongs to a national platform of mutualities consulted by the Ministry of Health to significantly improve the quality of health care and give the population access to basic health care. To this end, DynaM contributes to the development of a national legislative framework for mutualities in Guinea, and to the updating of the existing social protection system. It also advocates the extension of the social security system to workers in the informal economy.

PPSOGUI - Réseau des Promoteurs de la Protection Sociale en Guinée

The PPSOGUI network was created in 2013 with a view to strengthening the structuring of the mutualist movement in Guinea. The aim is to help build a sound social protection policy that gives everyone access to affordable, quality healthcare. It brings together various civil society players (trade unions, mutual societies and others) involved in this field to organise themselves and work together to ensure that mutual societies become a reality in Guinea.

Partner organizations

  • 1 trade union
  • 1 mutual health organizations
  • 1 network
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