Our news / Gender

Awareness & mobilisation | Climate justice | COVID-19 | Decent work | Elderly | Environment | Gender | HRDD | INSP!R | Networks | Political advocacy | Social and solidarity economy | Social justice | Social Protection | Success story | Youth |
April 8 2022

Gender 82 civil society organisations request that the future directive on du...

Civil society wants to insist on the need for the European institutions to respond in the legislativ...

March 8 2022

Gender For an equal future with access to the right to Social Protection

INSP!R demands on International Women's Day that women deserve an equal future without stigma, stere...

March 8 2021

Gender VIDEO | International Women's Day

On International Women's Day we celebrate the leadership of women of all generations and countries w...

February 5 2021

Gender Publication: a pocket guide on gender equality

On the eve of 8 March, International Women's Rights Day, WSM is publishing a handbook to share refle...

November 25 2020

Gender VIDÉO | International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Wome...

EU-LAT Network created a video to commemorate November 25th International Day for the Elimination of...

October 6 2020

Gender 25 years after Beijing: Recommendations to the EU for the protection o...

On this 25th anniversary, it is apparent that the existing challenges for women have increased and h...

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