E-mail info@wsm.be
Tel +32 (0)2 / 246 36 71
Fax +32 (0)2 / 246 38 85
Adress Chaussée de Haecht 579 - 1030 Brussels - Belgium
Press jaklien.broekx@wsm.be +32 (0)2 / 246 36 83
Belfius BE96-7995-5000-0005 BIC: GKCCBEBB
VDK BE41-8900-1404-3510 BIC: VDSPBE91
RPM Tribunal de l'entreprise de Bruxelles, néerlandophone BE 0413.986.102
Do you have a question or complaint about integrity? Find out who you can contact here.
WSM is housed in the Aeropolis building (block 2 - third floor). Via the main entrance (Haachtsesteenweg 579) you immediately reach the counter. Sign up there. Your contact person will be notified and he or she will assist you further.