

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, ACW/MOC - the umbrella organization of the Christian labor movement in Belgium - approves a Manifesto on justice in the world. As a broad social movement, which played an important role in the development of our welfare state, ACW / MOC wants to start taking up its international responsibility.


ACW / MOC establishes the World Solidarity department. In addition to trade unions, it supports other social organizations such as cooperatives, health organizations, women's and youth movements in developing countries. There is a lot of cooperation with the international organizations of the trade unions (WCL), the youth movement (IYCW) and the umbrella organization (WMCW).


World Solidarity is recognized as an NGO.


The decision is made to regroup all segments of international work in a new unitary non-profit structure. Wereldsolidariteit vzw and Solidarité Mondiale asbl merge their activities. The articles of association are amended, but ownership remains with the members of ACW and MOC.


After an external screening with a strong final score, World Solidarity is officially recognized on October 3rd as a civil society organization by the Minister for Development Cooperation. This recognition is part of the new regulation for NGOs.


In the fall of 2019, Wereldsolidariteit-Solidarité Mondiale undergoes a visual transformation. From now on, the NGO will live on as WSM, with 'We Social Movements' as its baseline and an even greater emphasis on our role as facilitator of thematic networks.

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